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The My List feature in the book catalog allows you to save and/or email a list of books you want to remember, find on the shelf, or share with someone else. You can use the feature without logging into your library account, but any books saved to the list will be lost when you close the browser window.
To use the My List feature:
• Search for books that you would like to save.
• Look for the Save button which is generally located on the right hand side of the screen and click it. The star will fill in if the item was added.
• Once you have populated your list, look in the upper right hand corner of the screen for a link that says My Items followed by a number (the number is the number of items in your list and will change as items are added and deleted) and click on it, this will take you to your list.
• To email, select the items you want to email, click on the Email link, enter an email address, and click Send Email.
When you are signed in you can create lists. To create a new list:
To review your list:
To add more items to your list: